Funny Wait Wait Dont Tell Me

- The "Carl's Special FX" segment also includes Carl's uncanny impression of a vuvuzela...
- ...and his feebly hilarious attempt to make a "laser gun" sound effect.

- Including two consecutive Best-Of shows!

"'It looks you're digging a grave! Is this a business grave or a personal grave?'"

Adam Felber: In retrospect, that was the most deeply flawed part of our plan. Next time, NO DUCKS!!

Peter Sagal: So, let me get this straight: you're going to "go down flaming" because you think "men are necessary".

Craig Ferguson: I'm gonna go with the Astors and the three-way with the monkey.
Adam: You said this was just another example of the media's liberal bias, and that we would never treat the Democrats that badly. [beat] Oh we wouldn't, would we?
- There was also a time he was discussing the possibility of the US going to war against Iran "But unfortunately, we used that crystal back at the last save point."

Adam Felber: "Every day was 'Hot Beef Sunday' on the Edwards campaign!"
- The best part of that one is that Pollan's argument (which was, simply, that we shouldn't eat processed snack foods) caused Paula to exclaim "What the hell's the matter with you?" twice.

Tom Hanks: Can I just say one thing?
Peter Sagal: What?

Carl: I can face all the undead hordes calmly,
even if they can learn how to bomb me.
In my fort I keep fresh,
and they won't eat my flesh.
My new home will protect me from _________?
Contestant: (confidently) Romney!

- He even gets the audience to sing along!

Peter: So, is that what you do there, I guess?
(about half a minute later)
Peter: You know, we've only known each other for 30 seconds or so, but I fell as if I know you really well.
Bill: For our kingdom, I fought a bold fight.
My Viagra addressed a big blight.
Old groins can now stir,
So they've made me a Sir.
For my pills, they have made me a knight.
(brief silence) It's a hard one.
Peter: Alright, Charlie, this last one is for you. Keith Richards wrote a children's book, it's called "Gus and Me". He has no recollection of writing it, but people who bought "Gus And Me" also bought what?
Charlie Pierce: Heroin.
Bill: An advice book called "What Would Keith Richards Do?"
Peter: Or...?
Bill: Rolling Stones certified kidney stones.
Peter: Or...?
Bill: Heroin.
Peter: Well, I don't know if you know this, but his balls have been marked with special holographs and DNA.
Charlie Pierce: WHAT?
Peter: This is true. You may— Barry Bonds' balls— (realizes what he just said, starts chuckling)
Charlie: Peter? Peter, you know, this is one of those where you see it coming down the track for about a mile and a half—-
Peter: And I wasn't able to get out of the way!
Charlie: You can't do anything about it, just brazen it through.
Peter: Yeah.
Bill: Bennett note the caller playing the game , you're really great. Let's see how well you do on this one.
Bennett: Is the next one's answer "marijuana"? (crowd breaks into laughter)
Bill: How did you know?
Peter: Oh, let him read the limerick.
Bill: Ben and Jerry mix up a what do you wanna...
Peter: This week, Mike and Ian make me eat something I don't want to. This promo is the first I am hearing of this.

Roy Blount, Jr.: And mice have lots of bad memories.
Peter: Oh, they do. Now, put that aside...
Paula Poundstone: (as mouse) Remember the time—?
Adam Felber: (as mouse) I can't go back there, man.
Peter: It was like I was trapped in a maze!
Adam: (as mouse) Right turn, left turn, right turn, left turn. Oh my god, where's my cheese? Just give me the cheese!
Paula: (as mouse) Minnie just kept badgering me and badgering me and badgering me.
- During Peter's explanation of the story:
Peter: They basically, in order to give these mice good memories that they could then experiment with, they gave the mice threesomes.
Adam: (as mouse) It's always been a fantasy of mine. Never said it out loud, it's like these guys know me.
Peter: The scientists are sitting around, right, and they're thinking about what would give a mouse a good memory, and just, you know, as one of the scientists was about to say "Well, we could go with cheese," another scientist shouts out "THREESOME! THREESOME!"
Paula: One scientist said: "How about fishing with their dad?"
Roy: And the mice all said: "No, no, no."
Peter: (as mouse) No, no, no, no. Listen to the first guy! Listen to the first guy!
Roy: What's the bad memory? Do we know?
Peter: It was an electric shock.
Paula: The bad memory was being on a wheel while the guy with the threesome was in the other tank.
Peter: Trying to get over to join in and you don't get anywhere.
Paula: (as a mouse running in a wheel)' I feel like I'm getting closer!
Peter: Despite the fact that we have the right to bear arms, an Oregon man was cited this week for carrying blank. note The answer was "bear arms", as in "the arms of a bear".
Moshe Kasher: An AK-47.
Peter: No.
Moshe: A gun.
Peter: No.
Moshe: A shotgun.
Peter: No.
Moshe: A taser.
Peter: This doesn't work that way.

Peter: Mo, the Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn knows it's hard to get local hipsters to go to church, right? So this Christmas, they've put up ads telling people that going to church will give them a great chance to do what?
Mo Rocca: Is it, does it have to do with the afterlife, or...?
Peter: No, it has to do with the phone in their pockets and what people like to do with their phones. Specifically, the camera of their phones.
Mo: Gosh, it's something... Okay, if they go to church in Brooklyn, something special will happen to their phones.
Adam Felber: They will be stolen.
Faith Salie: Jesus will appear.
Peter: Well, Jesus will appear, actually...
Mo: Jesus will appear on your phone.
Peter: ...when you do what at the church with your phone?
Mo: When you give yourself a selfie, do you turn into Jesus? When you... the Holy Eucharist. It's like a transubstantiation app.
Adam: I say we keep this going.
Peter: Let's keep going. No, seriously.
Mo: So when you go to church...
Peter: This is what we've established.
Adam: With your cell phone...
Peter: You go to church with your cell phone, which has a camera on it...
Mo: You can take a picture of Jesus in the church.
Peter: Yes.
Adam: WITH WHO?!
Peter: With who?
Faith: With whom?
Mo: Oh, a priest. (everyone else groans) Oh, nononononononononononono.
Mo: Nonononono, you can take a selfie with Jesus.
Peter: YES! YES!
Faith: Hallelujah.
Peter: Thank you, Jesus!
Mo: You know, you know, I have to tell you...
Peter: Yes, Mo, please.
Mo: That last guess was a Hail Mary.
- Later on, during Lightning Fill-In-The-Blank, as Mo rambles on to answer his last question...
Faith: This is where the lightning round becomes an electrical storm.
Adam: It's like a Van de Graaf generator.
Bill: Amy got four right, the audience got one...

Carrie: Turns out they're related by scandal.
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